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Eagleleaf Software Design

Software for tomorrow, today ✍


Joachim (Jo) Samstag

  • C#/C++/C 90% 90%
  • PHP 90% 90%
  • Web (HTML/CSS/Javascript) 95% 95%
  • Databases 90% 90%
  • Design 90% 90%
  • NONSTOP SQL 100% 100%
  • MYSQL 90% 90%
  • PostgreSQL 70% 70%
  • SQLite 70% 70%
  • Your Title Goes Here 50% 50%
  • Your Title Goes Here 50% 50%
  • Mentor 90% 90%
  • Software Design 50% 50%
  • Team 50% 50%
  • Your Title Goes Here 50% 50%
  • Your Title Goes Here 50% 50%
  • GUARDIAN/OSS 100% 100%
  • LANGUAGES (TAL,TACL,COBOL..etc) 100% 100%
  • PATHWAY 100% 100%
  • NONSTOP SQL 100% 100%
  • Sytem Management 100% 100%

A Problem is only a challenge in disguise!

About Me

Hi, Jo here. I would like to introduce myself.  I am a German born Canadian living in Germany, speak English and German fluently.  I prefer to called Jo, (no ‘e’). I shortened my name in grade school when it was evident that the other children and Teachers could not properly pronounce my first name. 

I have been in the IT business for 40 years now and have expirenced a lot of interesting projects and companies.  

I am a member of a local business network and a network marketing team. Both give me great pleaseur in helping others achive thier goals and to expand their knowledge of IT and lifestyle. 

I spend my free time learning about new IT technologies, helping friends and neighbours with computer related issues and working with my collegues in the Netowrks that I am involved in. 


Over my carrier I have Mentored or Coached may of my collegues in programming  and “challenge solving” by using the resources not only from within but also those from without, collegues, professionals and sometimes from people that have no relationship to their profession. This makes them to valuable assest to the companies that employ them. 

I have held training and coaching seminars for:


  • Nostop SQL Programing and Design.
  • Nonstop Programing in COBOL, TAL, TACL and Pathway.
  • Web Programing using PHP, HTML, MySQL, CSS and Javascript.
  • Basic Worpress and Advanced techniques
  • Data Ssecurity 
  • using Mobile Messeging Apps 
  • Converting audio to closed caption and traslation
  • What are High Availability Systems

Certified Security Officer

Over my carrier I have Mentored or Coached may of my collegues in programming  and “challenge solving” by using the resources not only from within but also those from without, collegues, professionals and sometimes from people that have no relationship to their profession. This makes them to valuable assest to the companies that employ them. 

Software Design and Devlopment

Design and Logic are Primary, Language is secondary!

Modular developement



Software & Hardware

Software list

Hardware List



Project Summary




Interface SolidWorks to AvERP


This SolidWorks add-in is written in C# to augment the manufacturing and inventory database with information regarding the assemblies and parts designed in the CAD program.  The add-in also manages a version control system for these CAD designs  whci allows the designers per Drag & Drop o create simular ior even new designs faster and mor efficiently.


Technologies used:  C#, Firebird SQL




ERP Web App






Technologies used: PHP,  MySQL, HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery


Filemaker UI & Database


The project involves a Filemaker database that was created in 1987 for maintaining the client orders, invoices, inventory and time management.  The older interface was becommimg harder to maintain, the client wanted to enhance the database to include documents and images in containers related to the orders and invoices.  The database needed to be restructured and simplified and a new UI using native and web technology was created for easier input but maintaining the older interface. 

The project now runs in FileMaker 19 Server using web technology widgets  and containers for PDF, email and images.

Technologies used: FileMaker, HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery


Product: PADNext Converter


This is a small convertion software written in C# to convert the new XML formatted data to an older proprietary format.  The converter offers an 80/20 percent solution to medical clearing houses in Germany that have many older clients and do not wish to invest in additional  expensive new sorfware for the 20% client base.


Technologies used: C#


Product: MLM Funnel Sytems




Technologies used: WordPress, PHP,  MySQL, HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery


 Banking and Authorisation Software


Charity Programs 

With the otheer menbers of the Netzwerk 21, my partner and I are committed to helping  various help programs in our area. 

  • Fürth Kinderhife
  • Strassentkreuzer
  • Tierheim
  • Childern with special needs

My personal wish is to be able to provide the local homeless and children in need, with joy, happiness and the items at Christmas.


Due to EU Security policies and to protect the various Non-disclosure contracts of my clients, I do not extent Resumes, CV’s or references.  This page my not be printed, copied, translated  or otherwise be given to any third party without my explicit consent. I also request that I be informed before the link to this page is sent to any person or party via SMS, Email.

Yours Truly.

Jo Samstag